BlackRock Tactical Partners


Schools and Universities, Places of Worship, Hospitals and Medical Centers, Businesses of all types and Assisted Living Facilities are all at risk and need to be prepared. We want to help.

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Training, Education, Survival of Active Shooter Incidents

BlackRock Tactical Partners

Collaboration and Partnership of two great companies to offer the best training options in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia. When BlackRock Tactical Partners and Double A Consultants met it was a synergy to use our skills and talents to educate the public for what we see as our greatest threat. Living your normal life and fall victim to mental illness, crazy people and active shooters.

Every day we strive to reach that next person, next place of worship, next business, next hospital, next medical center, next possible target for violence and make sure they are prepared to survive. We are just three men on a mission to educate, train, enlighten you to what you need to think about and do when you encounter or fall victim to an Active Shooter.

Active Shooter Response Training is custom tuned for your threat assessment, active and known threats, geographic location in relation to first responders, ability of your staff and internal as well as external layout of your facility. Our Active Shooter Response Training in conjunction with self defense techniques, firearms training, HQL and Concealed Carry Permit training we know we offer the perfect solution to understand all of your options. We thank you and look forward to seeing you at training.


Many businesses and business locations have emergency plans in place in case of fire, severe weather or national emergencies. The response is usually different for each type of crisis and rarely we have found that there is a plan in place that effectively deals with a workplace violence, emergency threat and even an active shooter incident.

How is your business protected in such an event? We want to help! 

We work with business owners, HR managers and yes even your own staff to help them understand what to do and expect during one of these events. This planning and procedure evaluation and even active shooter training is all used to help protect your business and your most valuable asset: your employees.

If you see  or hear something, say something! 

We have all had bad days at work and for many of us, our workplace is our second family. We all have good days and bad days but there are key signs to watch out for and understand that these signs are the beginning of a planning stage and need to be addressed immediately.

Any of your employees would most likely never start their day upset or angered and continue the whole day that way. In most Active Shooter incidents, something triggers a negative thought which plants the seed, the event is planned and later executed which for most cases is done so after careful planning and preparation catching all who are victims by surprise. The whole event is even fantasized about on how to get even, and sadly many active shooters research and try to model their attacks from past events. So it is very important to recognize the signs and deal with outbursts, negative comments and other suspicious actions in the workplace. Deal with these immediately to defuse and correct this type of behavior, which HR managers understand completely.

We also recognize the importance of reporting these behaviors in preventing incidents, but what can you do after all of these measures have been taken to prevent a tragedy and it still occurs?

Ideally, you contact professionals in this field to train your staff is the best start, but planning cannot begin without training. Plans can come in the form of internal discipline procedures, steps to take if behaviors still persist and corrective action to mitigate this type of threat. Active Shooter Response training is just that, responding to an active shooter. The Run, Hide, Fight methodology of this is understanding where to run, where to hide and how to fight. We work with business owners and staff  to help prepare them for just that. Business owners and employees can qualify for concealed carry permits to defend themselves and their workplaces and that training is also available if the need is there. Please contact us using the secure email form so we will be able to help you and your employees.

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